Brian Christopher, protagonist of gambling in America and world social influencer on Youtube and with his
After the interesting informative parenthesis at the All American Sport Betting Summit 2019, an event in which The betting Coach was the official media partner, we continue our journey to discover laws and start ups throughout America, meeting and interviewing the protagonists of a sector, that of gambling, which in 2018 saw its first laws and regulations.
Online videos every day for over 200,000 subscribers, more than 100 million views in the last two years and Slot Channel on YouTube number 1 in the world, are just some of the numbers of the phenomenon Brian Christopher, the most loved and followed gambling influencer on the web

Here is our exclusive interview with Brian Christopher – gambling influencer with, and his YouTube channel

1 – Brian Christopher, from actor to gambling influencer, a lifetime at the service of spectators and followers! When and how is the idea of, and your YouTube channel born
The idea first came out of my desire to visit Las Vegas for the first time. I had just moved to Los Angeles from Canada to further my acting career and had little knowledge of Las Vegas aside form what I’d seen in the movies. I researched what casinos to visit and what games to play which led me to YouTube. It was then when I first witnessed people playing slots online. Although at first I found it odd that anyone would actually watch someone else gamble, 2 hours later I was still captivated! With a background in film and television, I decided to record some videos of myself playing as well and add my own flair to it. I had zero intentions of starting a new channel for this and only uploaded them for fun. Within a few weeks however, it became clear that my videos were becoming quite popular. Due to its rapid success, and an invitation to join the YouTube partner program, I decided to continue on this path of slot videos full time and haven’t looked back 3 years later.
2 – An incredibly fun journey through the casinos of Las Vegas, California, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and beyond! What is your job and what is the secret to reaching millions of views with your videos?
It is the role of a social influencer to connect with ones audience. The best and only successful way to do that is by being myself. I must be open, honest, relatable and genuine. My success came mainly from word of mouth as I didn’t do any advertising. On an average month I will visit my local casino once per week for a weekly live stream, and travel to 2-3 other casinos for a few days to host events and record further videos for my daily uploads. I upload every day without exception on top of a minimum of 1 live stream per week.
3 – From 2016, you are among the absolute protagonists of gambling in the United States and in the world. More than three years lived in the front line, in which you have experienced every single product and / or service of the gaming industry. How has the system evolved and what has yet to be changed?
Slot Machines have become more complicated, in much larger formats and in a ton more recognizable themes from tv series and film. First there was the advent of 3d, then 4d, skill based gaming and now eye recognition technology. The goal of slot manufacturers and casinos is to attract the newer generations and they are doing whatever they can to achieve that. Casinos are evolving in the way they are laid out now as well with more lounges, sports books, concert halls and themes. They’re bringing in bigger musical acts to get the younger crowds in attendance too. They have a ways to go but they’re getting on the right track with catching up to our social generation.
4 – Gambling and dependence on it! A phenomenon that should not be underestimated! What are the warning signs that should not be overlooked and what suggestions can you make to avoid overdoing the game?
My channel promotes having a good time and gambling responsibly. All of my videos depict both wins and losses as I educate my audience on the importance of using an entertainment budget. I’ve written numerous blogs on my site to teach my subscribers how to enjoy a casino experience, including tips on leaving a casino a winner and warning signs of gambling too much. I encourage them to arrive at a casino the same way in which they would arrive to the movie theatre or music concert. You pay your ’ticket price’ and get some entertainment in exchange for an experience. You don’t leave a concert expecting the artist to give you your money back, and that should be the same expectation at the casino. Some concerts you will buy a seat in the nosebleeds (expect to lose $40) and others you will go all out for the special VIP experience (spend $2000 in the casino). That way if you hit a jackpot, it’s a bonus and not an expectation.
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